Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of services do you offer? Boundary Surveys, Surveyor Location Reports, ALTA Surveys, Monument Marking, Description Writing and Analysis, Topography Surveys, Site Plans, and Land Consulting. See the Services Available page for more information.
How much does a survey cost? It depends on several factors, including the type of survey, the size of the parcel(s), and circumstances surrounding the parcel(s). A customized estimate is prepared for each request.
How long does a survey take? It depends on the type of survey and size/condition of the site, but on average, about 3 weeks from the start of the survey.
What is the best way to contact you? Email is the best way, but we can be reached by call or text, as well. Our contact information can be found on the Home page of our website (
What is your service area? Knox County, Indiana and surrounding counties in Indiana.